Conference Commissioners: Adding Financials and Dues

Adding Bank Account

1. Log into your SportsEngine account.

2. Choose your conference within the My Organizations tab in the top right.

3. On the left click Settings.

- Choose Financial Settings.

4. Update contact information by clicking pencil icon in the top right.

5. Next, click the plus sign next to banking information to add a new bank account.

- NOTE: 2-3 day approval process, please advise your clubs they can't register until this has been approved.

6. On the Enter Company Details page, input the required information and click Next.

7. On the Enter Representative Details page, input the required information and click Next.

8. On the Enter Financial Settings page, input the required information and click Next.

9. On the Enter Bank Account Details page, input the required information and click Next.

10. On the Review and Submit page, review the information added to the pages above.

- NOTE: To the right of each page header, click Edit to update and change information.

11. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service agreement then click Submit.

Your Payment Processing Application information will now be submitted to SportsEngine for approval. The Financial Contact will receive an email notifying you if your application was approved or not.

Adding Dues to Memberships

1. Log in to SportsEngine and click on your organization in the top right.

2. On the left side, click on the Members tab.

3. Under the same tab, click Memberships.

4. Click on the conference player membership you want to add fees to (this will need to be done for Under 18 as well.)

5. On the next page, click on the pencil icon next to Membership Information.

6. Edit the price to what you want to charge members when they purchase a player membership.

- If you don’t want to charge any extra fees, leave this at $0.00

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